RipJKAnime 9.196 [free]


If you like anime and you bring the day your favorite series or want to download chapters for viewing when you want and where you want, RipJKAnime is a tool with which you'll have access to a wide range of animes that you can download or view it directly in your terminal.
The interface of this utility can be a bit of pleasing to the eye but once you investigate their functions, you'll get used to its use. Thus, in the first window you have a search engine where you can enter the name of the series you are looking for and to filter by language or quality, for example. If you want to take a look at the catalog accounts with the possibility to navigate through it looking for by alphabetical order.
All and each of the series have their chapters sorted by premiere, so you'll be able to follow it in order without missing any. When pressures on the that you are interested in, you will see a message asking you to indicate what action you want to perform; view comments, view online or download. If you select the option to view online you will be able to indicate if you want to view it in an external player or you want to do it with the one that you have installed on the terminal. RipJKAnime uses several platforms to generate your catalog:, and so you'll never have to search for your chapters in different websites, with this tool, you will have concentrated all the options.

By Merche Contreras

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